  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Co-sponsor the Momnibus Act for all mothers

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Houston, TX

September 7

The United States has an unacceptably high maternal mortality rate, with significant racial disparities in outcomes. However, the data shows that 80% of maternal deaths are preventable. The Momnibus Act is a comprehensive package of 13 bills that takes a multi-pronged approach to address every driver of this crisis. It invests in social determinants like housing and nutrition, extends postpartum Medicaid coverage, funds community organizations promoting equity, grows and diversifies the perinatal workforce, improves data collection, supports mothers' mental health, and much more. With over 200 organizations endorsing it, the Momnibus represents a robust, evidence-based strategy to finally tackle America's maternal health crisis head-on. Co-sponsoring this legislation demonstrates a commitment to protecting all mothers and babies, especially in underserved communities of color facing the starkest disparities. The time to act is now - please co-sponsor the Momnibus to make historic investments that will save lives.

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