  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Skip the Netanyahu Speech

To: Rep. Tiffany, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Baldwin

From: A verified voter in Spooner, WI

July 12

I am writing to urge you to reject Netanyahu's speech to Congress on the 24th. Conservative estimates have over 180,000 people murdered in Gaza by his regime in Israel. These people are not terrorists, they're citizens. Women and children bombed with our tax dollars against our will. I have watched parents carrying the pieces of their children's bodies in bags, babies without parents and fathers digging through rubble for their babies for nine months. Every day. Netanyahu is committing a genocide against Palestinians as well as illegally seizing more land for his colonial projects in the West Bank. I urge you not to entertain his genocidal speech to Congress, to turn your back on it. America is supposed to be for liberty and justice for ALL. That should mean we NEVER help another country commit human rights violations or give them weapons of mass destruction as we have done. Please refuse to attend the meeting on the 24th. Show Biden and Netanyahu that we do not stand for his war on the children of Gaza.

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