  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Lee, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Albany, CA

July 23

I am Jewish. An active member of my progressive synagogue. I want peace, I want the hostages brought home, I want the Supreme Court in Israel to maintain its status as an arbiter of law without interference by the government, I want recognition that two peoples have to live together in this land we have both called home. I urge you to boycott Netanyahu. He should never have been given the honour of speaking to Congress. He has resisted all US attempts to broker peace. He has reduced Gaza to rubble, allowed massive killing of women and children, starved the remaining inhabitants, impeded aid from reaching them and allowed Jewish vigilantes and the IDF to wreak havoc and drive out Palestinians from the West Bank. His government borders on the fascist. The actions of his government have promoted disenfranchisement, violence against Palestinians and promoted a biblical vision of Israel that has no place in 2024. I hope you will not be present when he speaks.

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