  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Stop party infighting and unify on our nominee!

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. DeSaulnier, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Martinez, CA

July 20

I am writing to you, as a Democratic voter, to express my vehement opposition to removing President Biden from the ballot and running any kind of short primary, as recently proposed by Nancy Pelosi. If Biden steps down as nominee, the only reasonable option is for the party to nominate his running mate, VP Harris. Any other option would not only go against the will of Democratic voters by having a small group of party elites unilaterally choose the nominee, it would create a narrative of party disunity that would severely damage the ability of the eventual nominee to campaign, and waste resources better used on GOTV efforts and actively campaigning against the Republicans and their destructive Project 2025. This is a time for democrats to stand united behind their nominees and go on the offensive against a fractured and vulnerable GOP, not waste time infighting and driving away their own base. Repeatedly, democratic voters have expressed opposition to changing the nominee, and repeatedly arguing about it in closed-door meetings and press leaks simply serves to dishearten the voters the party needs to win a decisive victory in November.

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