  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Concerns Over Inappropriate Actions Against SpaceX Launch Approvals

To: Gov. Newsom, Asm. Papan, Sen. Becker

From: A constituent in Foster City, CA

October 15

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent decision by California Coastal Commission officials to reject additional SpaceX rocket launches, citing Elon Musk's posts on social media as a factor in their decision-making process. While I understand the need for regulatory oversight, I believe that the actions taken against SpaceX based on Mr. Musk's personal expressions set a concerning precedent that may harm innovation and progress. SpaceX has been a key player in advancing the United States' position in space exploration and communication technology, and it continues to provide vital services through its Starlink program, which has proven especially valuable during natural disasters. The rejection of launches due to concerns about Mr. Musk’s social media activity appears to be an overreach and could hinder technological advancements that benefit both California and the broader United States. Commissioner Mike Wilson’s concerns about ensuring equipment launches serve U.S. interests are valid, but these should be addressed through transparent regulations and compliance checks rather than perceived political bias. Denying launch permits based on Mr. Musk’s tweets risks politicizing critical infrastructure projects and discourages private companies from investing in California’s aerospace sector. I urge you to advocate for policies that maintain a focus on technological progress and economic growth while ensuring proper regulation, without the undue influence of personal biases. California should continue to lead in innovation and not hinder it due to unrelated factors. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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