  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Maintain robust EPA funding, protect environment, public health

To: Rep. Dunn, Sen. Scott, Sen. Rubio

From: A constituent in Tallahassee, FL

July 25

I write to urge you to oppose the proposed 39% reduction in funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlined in the Fiscal Year 2024 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. The EPA plays a vital role in safeguarding public health and the environment by enforcing critical regulations and standards. Drastically cutting its budget would hamper the agency's ability to fulfill its mission and could have severe consequences for air and water quality, ecosystem protection, and efforts to address climate change. The EPA's work benefits all Americans by reducing exposure to harmful pollutants, preserving natural resources, and holding polluters accountable. Its regulations, though sometimes controversial, are grounded in scientific evidence and strike a balance between economic interests and environmental stewardship. Weakening the EPA's capacity would undermine decades of progress in environmental protection and put public well-being at risk. I understand the need for fiscal responsibility, but indiscriminate cuts to the EPA are counterproductive and short-sighted. Instead, I urge you to maintain robust funding for this essential agency to ensure it can continue its critical work protecting our environment and public health for current and future generations. Reasonable reforms can be pursued, but not at the expense of the EPA's core functions.

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