  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Vote yes on right to contraceptives

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Carmel, CA

June 3

Hi, I'm a constituent writing from 93924 My name is Andrea Juhan. First, I know the Right to Contraception Act (S. 1999 will hit the Senate floor this week, with a vote slated for Wednesday. I expect the Senator to vote yes, and if he is planning on voting no I’d like to know why in writing, please. Second, I’m disappointed that Speaker Johnson and Leader Schumer have invited Benjamin Netanyahu to come speak before Congress. Netanyahu is a failed leader and an extremist who has been ignoring President Biden’s advice. He should be resigni ng, not appearing before Congress. I’d like the Senator to boycott his appearance, just as 58 members of Congress did in . Thanks. Andrea Juhan

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