  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Fitzgerald, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Baldwin

From: A constituent in Germantown, WI

June 10

Reporting is coming out that now the VA medical system is firing 10,000 employees, including frontline workers and especially mental healthcare workers. This is the direct result of you failing to support a proper budget for the administration and now more veterans will die because of you. I don't want to see press conferences or interviews on your preferred news program about this, because I know 90% of what members of Congress say on those things are out and out lies. I want you to actually do your job and get an emergency budget increase to the VA immediately. Propose the bill, get it pushed through committee even if you have to walk around to the office of every other member of congress to remind them to push it through, get it on the floor, and get it passed. Or I'm certain the next ads up about you will be from veterans organizations who will gladly paint you in the worst light possible for this, and yes, I will gladly and vocally support recall petitions to allow us to be properly represented in Congress rather than whatever it is you think you're doing. Do something now. Not next congress. Not next month. Not even next week. Now. You have the staff to do it, just do it.

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