- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28, 2024
I am a man, ordinary but deeply wounded and moved by the seemingly incessant suffering of my fellow human beings in Palestine. The heavy burden rests upon my heart, as images of rampant destruction, loss of innocent lives, and the anguish enveloping another day in Palestine greet me day after day. But the stillness of my ordinary life belies a profound urgency, a desperate plea that cannot continue to fall on deaf ears. I implore my fellow citizens and our government to cease the funding and arming of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians, desperately calling for a fair ceasefire.
The very essence of our humanity bleeds as we witness continued aggression and defiance of international law. We have endured enough headlines of traumatized children, demolished homes, and mourning mothers to last a lifetime. The United States, once the pillar of human rights and justice worldwide, cannot afford to be complicit in this. Our government's funding and armament, both tacit and explicit approval of these atrocities, are a stain on the ideals our nation espouses.
Imagine, if you will, a planet where peace holds sway over the desire for land or dominance; where a child's laughter echoes louder than the oppressive thrum of warfare. I believe in this vision and I know many others do too. It is high time we stop turning our ears away from the desperate cries of those whose rights are trampled upon day after day. We must, as a nation and a global community, call for an end to the violence and advocate for a future where war crimes and the trampling of human rights are relegated to the annals of history. I hope, desperately, that this call is answered, before it is too late.