  1. United States
  2. Ind.
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Young, Sen. Braun

From: A verified voter in South Bend, IN

November 22

The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act aims to provide relief to Americans wrongfully detained abroad by postponing tax deadlines and reimbursing penalties during their captivity. However, a concerning provision terminates the tax-exempt status of organizations designated as providing material support to terrorist groups, even inadvertently. This threatens legitimate non-profits working in conflict zones and could have a chilling effect on humanitarian aid efforts. While supporting hostages is laudable, stripping tax exemptions from organizations operating in good faith sets a troubling precedent that could undermine civil society. I urge reconsideration of this overreaching provision to preserve constitutionally-protected freedoms of association and due process rights.

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