  1. United States
  2. Iowa
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Garriott, Gov. Reynolds, Rep. Judge

From: A constituent in Waukee, IA

September 4

Senate File 2435 creates unrealistic expectations and burdens for families and the healthcare system. It fails to account for common childhood illnesses that only require rest at home, putting undue strain on working parents who may need to take time off for sick kids or struggle to get timely doctor's appointments solely for a note. Many school employees (teachers, special education associates) are parents. With the substitute shortages we are already dealing with, parents of older kids who are capable of staying home on their own for a viral fever that requires only rest and hydration will need to take time off to take their kids to the doctor just for a note, putting more strain on our schools. I am a special education associate whose son has been home for two days with a fever, who cannot return to school tomorrow because he is still running a fever. I was greatful that today was an early out and that our doctor has virtual urgent care so that I did not have to take time off to school or from my second job to take him in to be seen. Verdict? It’s viral, it has been going around kids since school started. It lasts for 5 days. Rest and hydration. I already knew this as his mother but I had to get him in front of a doctor for a note so he isn’t counted as truant for being sick. The requirements around doctor's notes for a simple virus that the doctor cannot do anything about will further overwhelm already overburdened medical offices. Let's not forget that every family may not have health insurance or has insurance with high copays or deductibles, putting financial strain on families who are already struggling to make ends meet. Additionally, involving overworked, understaffed county attorneys seems an excessive overreach for manageable situations that could be better addressed through open communication between schools and families. Rather than this punitive approach, a more understanding policy recognizing the realities families face would foster better school attendance without causing undue hardship.

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