  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Immigrants Are America

To: Rep. Courtney

From: A constituent in Canterbury, CT

January 8

Shame on you for your vote to deport. With the corruption and racist targeting practices so common among cops, how dare you give them the power to terrorize my neighbors with deportation? Cops will use this to scare immigrants who are statistically MORE law-abiding than your or my demographic, and it will be an excuse to abuse and scapegoat. I'm disgusted by your capitulation to the abhorrent Republican fear-mongering around a freak tragedy. Why don't you do something actually useful and convince your Republican pals to vote for the gun control the people in this country desperately need to protect them? I'm FAR more frightened of a white man with a gun than any immigrant, because I know who's the actual threat.

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