- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A constituent in Boulder, CO
August 22
I will not be voting for you unless you propose an IMMEDIATE and PERMANENT ceasefire in Palestine. Women have been giving birth with no anesthesia or she lter for the last year, and deadly skin diseases have begun to spread thanks to the genocide in Palestine. I find it repulsive that you have refused to listen to Palestinian and Arab Americans demanding that you halt this genocide, comparing them to Trump supp orters though the reason they are protesting is so you will do something about this genocide we have been forced to witness for a year. For the past 75 y ears since the Nakba on May 15th, 1948. By refusing to enact a permanent ceasefire, you are proving that you are not a good fit for the US president, as you do not care about what your people d emand of you but rather what your biggest funders say. It is too late for forgiveness, but it's never too late to start doing the right thing. I demand that you cease to arm Israel so that a permanent ceasefire can be enforced, and I demand that you also find the rebuilding of Palestinian homes age and destruction we have caused, and try to lessen the resulting damage. and hospitals destroyed by the genocide. I demand that food, water, and medical care are brought to their sick and wounded, and that we oversee the wreck I implore you to stop this genocide now, when you still have the chance.