Congress must respect DC home rule re: GWU divestment encampment!
  1. United States
  2. D.C.
  3. Letter

Congress must respect DC home rule re: GWU divestment encampment!

To: Del. Norton

From: A constituent in Washington, DC

May 1

I am a resident of the District. As you may know, GOP lawmakers have threatened to use Congressional power to mandate police violence to clear the GWU divestment encampment. These students are simply advocating for their universities to divest from a war and institution which they find deeply unethical and criminal. They are entirely peaceful and are not disturbing anyone. Not only is this a disproportionate response to peaceful student protesters bravely exercising their First Amendment rights to advocate for peace in Palestine, but this is also an attack on DC home rule. The Mayor's Office and the MPD are more than capable of managing protests in the District on their own. They have been careful and measured in their response so far and have as such successfully avoided violent escalation and illegal police brutality against peaceful protesters. Congress must respect DC's right to home rule and allow us to govern ourselves, and I urge you to advocate for us in this crisis.

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