  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Pfluger

From: A verified voter in Killeen, TX

June 7

I am deeply concerned that Speaker Johnson put two unserious and compromised people on the House Intelligence Committee. Ronny Jackson was demoted in rank due not just to his awful treatment of subordinates but because of his drinking and drug use. Drug use and financial issues coming from loss of rank would make it hard for him to get a security clearance in many instances. He’s not a serious member of Congress, and this puts American natsec in danger. The Intel Committee is NOT where you put people as a political favor but should only have serious people on it. Scott Perry is an insurrectionist who begged for a pardon. He was part of the effort to overthrow the Constitution & to steal the election from the American people. These two men are compromised and may undermine natsec. What a disaster!

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