  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Tillis, Rep. McHenry, Sen. Budd

From: A verified voter in Mooresville, NC

July 11

Hungary’s autocratic leader Viktor Orban is meeting with Donald Trump today at his home, one day after Orban met with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Why are you okay with this? Do you not care that Trump and his radical right wing advisers want to make the United States into an autocratic country? Do you not care that Trump stole thousands of top secret documents which he lied about and refused to give back? What do you think Trump has done and plans to do with those secrets? Why don’t you care that Trump was mentioned almost 70 times in the newly released records of pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein? #RepublicansHateAmerica #TraitorTrump #Project2025Never

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