  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory legislation endangering transgender students' safety and wellbeing.

To: Sen. Sundareshan

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 5

This proposed legislation, Senate Concurrent Resolution 1013, poses a serious threat to the safety, dignity, and well-being of transgender and gender non-conforming students in our schools. Mandating that students can only access facilities matching their sex assigned at birth effectively denies many students access to restrooms, increasing health risks, harassment, and discrimination. This goes against guidance from medical experts and civil rights organizations that all students should be treated consistent with their gender identity. Furthermore, the provision prohibiting staff from using students' correct names and pronouns enables and codifies the harmful practices of misgendering and deadnaming. This disregards transgender students' identities and has been shown to inflict psychological harm. Many major education, civil liberties, and child welfare groups have opposed similar policies as violating Title IX and creating an unsafe, stigmatizing environment for LGBTQ youth. I urge you to reject this discriminatory legislation that compromises the safety of vulnerable students and undermines an inclusive, supportive learning environment for all. Our schools should be welcoming spaces that affirm every student's identity and right to learn free from bullying, harassment and marginalization based on gender identity or expression. Please stand up for the rights and well-being of Arizona's transgender youth.

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