  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Demand ceasefire, end violence against Palestinians in Gaza

To: Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Larson, Sen. Murphy

From: A constituent in Winsted, CT

May 30

The situation in Gaza has reached a catastrophic point as Israel intensifies its bombardment and ground offensive. According to reports from Al Jazeera, there is now no safe shelter left in Rafah as dozens more Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israeli strikes. The death toll continues to mount as homes, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure are systematically targeted and destroyed. This disproportionate military action against a trapped civilian population amounts to a grave violation of international law and human rights. Urgent intervention is needed to halt Israel's indiscriminate use of force and pave the way for a lasting ceasefire to protect Palestinian lives. The cycle of violence perpetuated by the illegal occupation cannot be allowed to continue unabated.

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