  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Publicly call President Biden to decline nomination

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet

From: A constituent in Denver, CO

July 11

I appreciate you're making public statements that your voters are concerned about President Biden losing, but why won't any representatives publicly call on Biden to step down? It is clearl to all, except for the President, his family, and his team, that there is no faith in his ability to win. His excellent service history is not a guarantee of future service at his age. Even if he truly is capable of running again, there’s enough doubt to have placed the Presidency in jeopardy. Public opinion is clear. However, our representatives keep saying "The President needs to make a choice," but the President has already stated quite clearly he will not be stepping down. Everyone needs to stop wasting what little time there is remaining and pressure President Biden into the right decision. We are running out of time to fix this. Please be brave, and call in the President publicly to step down. All this dancing around on the news is not going to change anything.

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