Resistbot Petition: TIE HIM TO THE BED PLEASE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well. That was something. Watching our president, theoretically infected with Covid, jumping in a tax-payer paid SUV, surrounded by tax-payer paid Secret Service, and taking a vanity jaunt to wave at his supporters. Then back to bed I guess. Wow. Aren’t y’all a bit worried about any of this? About the judgement exhibited? About the absurdity of the optics? This is who we look to for guidance during a pandemic? If you are a random American citizen, you get to say goodbye to your loved one dying of Covid via FaceTime or Zoom. Mr. Trump gets to cruise the city streets. Because he wants to. Any lives potentially sacrificed to his whim are of no consequence. He’s proven that by continuing to attend events, even though he knew he had been exposed. His need for denial (I’m NOT sick) or compulsion for attention supercedes everything. Everything. Country. Citizens. Everything. Instead, we get this missive from the contagion ward... “It’s been a very interesting journey. I learned a lot about COVID,” Trump said in the video. “I learned it by really going to school, this is the real school, this isn’t the ‘let’s the read book’ school, and I get it, and I understand it,” he added.” As is pretty typical with folks not having a clue about anything until it hits them personally, he will now put himself forward as a true expert. We can already tell he’s dictating his own medical treatment. Cowed doctor sent in front of the press. Jumping into an SUV for a joyride. Videos being shot. Hair done. Makeup applied. Is none of this concerning? Y’all should at least stand up for the folks tasked with protecting the President. They have absolutely no choice. And they should have a government that cares about their lives. Since that concern is not going to come from Mr. Trump, that leaves you. Here’s your chance to prove you still give a damn about something, anything.

▶ Created on October 4, 2020 by Debbie

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