An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Hahahahahahahaha. That’s me laughing at the latest presidential ‘joke’ about maybe postponing the November election. It’s funny huh? All in good fun. We should just roll our eyes and move on. Me, I still remain confident that no way in hell this will ever happen. But as brighter minds than I are pointing out, the goal is to delegitimize the election by making all the escalating whackadoodle conspiracy accusations he’s busily conjuring up. Sowing doubt. And considering the almost 4 years of constant whining about how everyone is out to get him, his loyal believers will gladly rally to his side. That sirs, is the real, true, dangerous scenario. But in the immortal words of one of my Texas senators (who is also laughing at the election joke)...I don’t know how else to interpret it,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) told The Daily Beast. “All you guys in the press, your heads will explode and you’ll write about it.” Do you think your head would have exploded if a ‘joke’ about postponing a presidential election came out of a Democratic president’s mouth? I bet you would have lost your minds AND your sense of humor in record time.

▶ Created on July 30, 2020 by Debbie

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