An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s all just too much these days. Everywhere you look there’s more to be concerned about. It’s exhausting. But in order to be a good citizen, you shouldn’t be allowed to look away. Rust never sleeps. Coronavirus raging. Citizens dying. No plan. No care from Washington. Bored, boring, moving on. AG Barr’s condescending visit yesterday before the House committee went about as everyone would expect. He lies. Obfuscates. Zigs. Zags. Infuriates. And gets away with it all. Mr. Barr is in the pocket of the President. I don’t know how any of you could deny that. And yet you do. The power of delusion and denial is absolute in the GOP Congress. Chaos created by federal forces against American protestors continues. Why wouldn’t it? The Trump campaign is getting taxpayer-funded video footage for the ‘law and order’ presidential re-election ads. Win-win. Or lose-lose depending on your side of reality. Demon-seed coronavirus misinformation and outright insanity being promoted by our president. Guess he’s gonna take his toys back to the WH after his most recent humiliation. As he should. He serves no good purpose as a leader during a pandemic. Conversations with Putin that don’t ask or even mention intelligence that Russia put bounties on American military in Afghanistan. And when interviewed, Mr. Trump continues to bob and weave on all things Russia. Mr. Trump is in Putin’s pocket. But he seems to be bringing your part of the party along with him on this so someone’s master plan seems to be succeeding. Weak minds sink ships. Other random bits: “Trump also brushed off the $1 trillion Senate GOP coronavirus proposal as “sort of semi-irrelevant” (That must make you feel good) “The GOP bill includes hundreds of millions in Pentagon spending to backfill what Trump took for his wall” (Nicely sneaky) “A scathing SBA inspector general report details “pervasive” fraud in a coronavirus disaster-loan program” (Der) Y’all really don’t know how to govern do you? Downside of not believing in the system you work for I guess.

▶ Created on July 29, 2020 by Debbie

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