Resistbot Petition: THIS IS THE BEST WE CAN DO?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another day in our reality TV society. SCOTUS battle brewing. Who will be brave and defect? Will she? Will he? Republicans flaunting their bad faith hypocrisy. Anything to deflect from their president’s failure to do his job to protect the country during a pandemic. Way more fun to pontificate. Way more fun to get your faces on TV supporting whatever crazy conspiracy theory is the daily hot topic. Speaking do you feel about defending Mr. Trump’s inference that RBG’s deathbed wish was dictated by the Dems? One of his instant classics. In the meantime, I’m pretty sure folks out of work, sick, dying, could give 2 cents for any of you. That’s the reality you’re trying so hard to run away from. And add yet another insider read coming from one of the members of Robert Mueller’s special task force. They just keep on coming don’t they? In reading excerpts I just thought you might be interested in what the history books hold in store for you and all the other enablers who declined to remove Mr. Trump from office when you had the chance. And instead made your decisions to stake your fortunes on a charlatan. Who has killed your legacies. Along with your party. And is working on doing the same to our democracy. Just a reminder from Andrew Weismann... “We still do not know if there are other financial ties between the president and either the Russian government or Russian oligarchs,” Weissmann writes. “We do not know whether he paid bribes to foreign officials to secure favorable treatment for his business interests, a potential violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act that would provide leverage against the president. We do not know if he had other Russian business deals in the works at the time he was running for president, how they might have aided or constrained his campaign, or even if they are continuing to influence his presidency.” There is no other way to put it,” Weissmann writes. “Our country is now faced with the problem of a lawless White House, which addresses itself to every new dilemma or check on its power with a belief that following the rules is optional and that breaking them comes at minimal, if not zero, cost.” That sounds about right. And we thank you for your service.

▶ Created on September 22, 2020 by Debbie

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