An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. This is all y’all have? Mr. Trump signed some ineffectual Executive Orders because y’all don’t want to do right by the American people during a pandemic your Republican president aided and abetted? The one EO in particular that is most particularly self-serving and ridiculous is the Payroll Tax pause. Is this a joke? The folks who still have jobs get a boost in their paychecks, temporarily. BUT since it is temporary, they’ll have to pay these same taxes back at the end of the pause. UNLESS Mr. Trump is re-elected, in which case he’ll make it permanent. Talk about a quid pro quo. You and I both know cessation of the Payroll Tax will never happen. You might want to kill social programs but even your party is not insane enough to nix funding for Social Security and Medicare. So...why is this a good action for Mr. Trump to take? Is he doing it for us? For the country? This is so ridiculous it beggars belief. If this type of amateur-hour is all you and your party can offer, best to pack your bags and head home. Because seriously, what’s the point of you? I leave you with good words, best words, from your man in Washington: “John Bolton, one of the dumbest people I’ve met in government and sadly, I’ve met plenty, states often that I respected, and even trusted, Vladimir Putin of Russia more than those in our Intelligence Agencies. While of course that is not true, if the first people you met from… so called American intelligence were Dirty Cops who have now proven to be sleazebags at the highest level like James Comey, proven liar James Clapper, & perhaps the lowest of them all, Wacko John Brennan who headed the CIA, you could perhaps understand my reluctance to embrace!” Hard at work for America.

▶ Created on August 12, 2020 by Debbie

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