An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m wondering is there ever a level of incompetence as president against America that will result in criminal charges? If a president throws up his hands, spouts falsehoods, deceives the people he was elected to lead, causes countless deaths that could have been prevented, shouldn’t there be consequences other than being voted out of office? The level of negligence is increasing. Leadership is failing on almost any measurable metric. Americans continue to die while politicians fiddle. Our country’s place in he world is in shambles. Our moral authority is zilch. It’s just astounding what a President is allowed to do, or not do, and still face no repercussions, especially from his own party. What do we do with a president who gives up on governing to focus solely on dividing us in pursuit of another four years of incompetence? What do we do with a president who does not care about his country? Except as a political slogan. This is a perfect storm of disaster. And our President is MIA. And so is your party. You and yours have played along for too long. You have aided and abetted our decline. History will tell the tale. But that’s small satisfaction in the moment. And the moment is devastating.

▶ Created on June 28, 2020 by Debbie

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