Resistbot Petition: PUSHING PROPOGANDA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m stating the obvious, but I guess we can now add ‘all unqualified applicants encouraged to apply’ to all governmental job listings. Reading more and more about the hijacking of vital CDC reports by a person with no scientific or medical experience, it’s maddening the incompetence at the highest levels of our government. Especially at a level of government responsible for giving truthful assessments to the people during a PANDEMIC. But no. Michael Caputo, Trump appointee, has taken it upon himself to guard the public from the brilliant machinations of the deep state. A deep state whose sole goal is to discredit Mr. Trump. (Who, I might add, does a pretty good job of that all by himself.) As spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services, Mr. Caputo and his allies at the CDC have taken the initiative to make sure CDC reports are in line with what the White House has been communicating about the virus. So now we have an HHS spokesperson who modifies CDC Covid info, or actually prevents info, from coming to light that might displease, or contradict, the president. Distorting information that we need to trust, during a PANDEMIC. But we cannot. Because like everything else that comes out of the administration it is twisted to suit a political purpose. I’m beginning to sense what it must be like to be a Russian citizen, wary of government, cynical about political intent, trusting nothing, and overly dependent on alcohol to make life bearable. A pox on you and yours for leading us to the point where we can’t believe anything. Good job. You’re a self-fulfilling prophecy of the old oxymoron, ‘We’re from the government and we’re here to help.’ Ha ha. Not so funny anymore.

▶ Created on September 12, 2020 by Debbie

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