An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I spent most of my Sunday watching a documentary on the Russian revolution. As we know, history repeats and repeats again but we never really learn anything. That’s a major weakness of the human species. Historians try to remind us, but we choose to ignore. A weak leader easily led by bad advice. Disastrous decisions made. An opposite reality at the top to what the citizenry was living. Terminally out-of-touch leadership. Autocratic repression of the people. Killing their own citizens. Ham-handed suppression in the belief that might always made right and that power would prove victorious in the face of the people’s outrage. But no. Anger brewed. It festered. It erupted with dire consequences for the people in power. This is how revolutions foment. It always follows more or less the same trajectory. And what we are seeing in our American cities fits the pattern. Things are going to escalate. Anger on both sides will spiral. Neither side is going to back down. One side, because they are righteous in their quest for social justice. The other side because they are up for re-election and need the ‘law and order’ campaign sticker. Yes there are people taking advantage of the situation to promote their own bad agendas. Yes there is violence that should be addressed. But everyone knows that is not the majority of the folks in the streets. But if you really want to see what a revolution looks like, keep calling concerned mothers in the streets a hoax and all protestors anarchists. It’s a dangerous road your President is taking our country down. And you will be sharing responsibility for the outcome. But I’m hopeful instead of more bloodshed, our revolution will result in a GOP rout in November. And in that way our country will be redeemed and democracy will be revived. Fingers crossed.

▶ Created on July 26, 2020 by Debbie

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