Resistbot Petition: Proposed COVID19 social distancing laws

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures

Proposed COVID19 social distancing laws

1 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!

The thing I love most since moving to Texas is the thing that could get us all sick: the 45 minute hello. Our wonderful citizens here MEAN IT when they say “how are you doing?” Even when they are talking to strangers. It will be hard but we need to learn to wave from afar for a month or so. And as Texas citizens are pretty law-abiding, the smartest way to do that now is with laws. I propose that we propose social distancing guidelines - don’t close bars and restaurants, but restrict them to seating parties within 8 feet of each other. We also need grants or other help for businesses that can’t operate online or virtually for the duration of the social distancing closure. We need stimulus funds for people who can’t work from home. Schools should remain closed until April 1 for towns more than 100 miles from the nearest case and go online for the rest of the school year for those within less than 100 miles. Or we may have to add 2 or 3 days a week of summer school for a month. These are just ideas for now. But we need to do something statewide. And fast. Study Seattle. Not one city in Texas has the resources to become the next Seattle.

▶ Created on March 16, 2020 by Everywhere Accessible, Arlington TX

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