An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Oh good grief. Now the Trump administration is throwing a political smear campaign at the most trusted man in America, Dr. Fauci? Mr. Trump does know he’s one of his own people? And that he’s speaking truth to power AND America? I don’t know why the man doesn’t just throw up his hands and quit. But that’s why public servants like him are so admirable. He wants to do the right thing for the country versus taking his toys and going home. Who do you think the history books will be more kindly toward? A president who can’t open his mouth without lying? Who chose not to protect his country? Or a man who tries day after day to provide us with real information in this time of pandemic. And frankly the administration has nothing as far as a plan. They just want things to open. They just want kids to go back to school. They just want us to pretend all is well and get back life as we knew it. No worries. It’s all good. No plan but it’s all gonna work out. Just trust us. That’s not a plan. That’s a sacrifice of our citizenry. A gamble with really high stakes. And scary odds. This couldn’t be an anymore chickens$*t path for the WH to take. And this is the icing on the delusional cake... “In a remarkable broadside by the Trump administration against one of its own, a White House official said Sunday that "several White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things." The number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things? Astounding projection considering the disaster they’re covering up for. Our President, who has been right about little, ever, on any topic. Hilarious. Why don’t y’all step up? How can you be okay with this situation? Why doesn’t our cowardly president just fire him? Oh that’s right, that requires balls. Something only possessed by those being disposed of and berated by the coward in the WH. The truth tellers.

▶ Created on July 12, 2020 by Debbie

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