An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What to aim at today. There’s so much. But I’m tired, cranky, and unenthusiastic so I’ll stick with the tried and true. The failure of the federal government to protect its people during a pandemic. An oldie but a goodie. And always relevant since that fact never seems to change. * Texas hospitals are running out of drugs, beds, ventilators and staff. Some hospitals in South Texas say they’re dangerously close to filling up, while hospitals elsewhere in the state are bracing themselves for cases to continue rising. (Texas Tribune) * Arizona tallied an all-time high in covid-19 hospitalizations, ICU beds in use and confirmed coronavirus deaths. (Arizona Republic) * At least 31 percent of children tested in Florida have the virus. About 17,000 of Florida’s roughly 287,000 cases have been people younger than 18. (Sun-Sentinel) Children and young people getting the virus? Who knew? Maybe the CDC? But I guess not: “We don’t want CDC guidance to be a reason why people don’t reopen their schools,” said Vice President Pence during a roundtable discussion at Louisiana State University, where he emphasized the Trump administration’s position that schools at all levels need to open this fall.”(Des Bieler) Also good to read that the opacity factor on pandemic stats is growing: “Hospital data on coronavirus patients will now be rerouted to the Trump administration instead of first being sent to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed to CNN on Tuesday.” That should work out well for the American people left on the front lines trying to figure out how to best survive, given the incoherence coming from the top. Lastly, I’m liking this. “A new White House ad campaign tells 18 million unemployed workers that maybe they just have to “Find Something New.”” Find Something New. We can finally agree with something coming out of the WH. 111 days till November 3.

▶ Created on July 15, 2020 by Debbie

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