An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. If the world was curious about the state of America during these most awful of times, they need look no farther than the shameful spectacle last night in SD. In SD in front of one of America’s most revered sites. Used as a backdrop for a small, pitiful ego. This is what wanna-be fascism looks like. This is what hatred of one’s own people and country looks like. This is what our top elected official wishes for the country he is supposed to serve. But who fails at time and time and time again. The speech, I’m sure authored by his chief race-baiter Stephen Miller, will show up in future history books as an example of a country misled by its leaders. An example of democracy taking a wrong turn. Of a dark and destructive vision. This is what pandering to an ever-decreasing segment of our country that sees the world through a prism of aggrievement, of hostility against ‘the other’, of generalized hatred of anything that doesn’t fit within certain narrow parameters, looks like. This is what the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the American people, looks like. It was one of the most, if not the most, despicable, fear-mongering, divisive, hate-filled spectacle witnessed in our country. A desecration of the vision upon which American was founded. This is what you want four more years of a Trump presidency for? This is what you would wish on we the people? This is what you wish for your dying, out-of-touch party? For our country? You’re not gonna get it. 122 days until November 3.

▶ Created on July 4, 2020 by Debbie

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