Resistbot Petition: CORRUPTION INC.

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Every day brings some new reality-TV low to the American Presidency. We should all be used to it by now, but still there is always a new low. In this episode the Justice Dept., once held up to high esteem as a true defender of our democracy, has offered their services to defend our president from a defamation suit brought by a woman who has accused him of sexual assault. You can’t make this up. The U.S. Justice Dept. used as a tawdry president’s ambulance chaser. Y’all must be so proud to be associated with such. Better start lining up your defenses of this current humiliation. Humiliation for you that this is who you’ve chosen to follow into the abyss. But it’s all normalized now, does anyone even care anymore? Just another day in Trump World. Rest assured, we care. And every story that breaks like this adds fuel to our caring. 56 days until we, the people reclaim morality, decent values, and pride in our country. And say YOU’RE FIRED loud and clear.

▶ Created on September 9, 2020 by Debbie

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