Resistbot Petition: GOP = PARTY OF FLOPS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. This morning I have the image in my head of a balloon slowly deflating, making that sad phhhhhht sound. But I guess you are having the same image after the release of the hold-your-breath-it’s-gonna-be-epic GOP probe into the Hunter Biden Ukraine ‘scandal.’ Wow. After all the months of hype I expected to read he had paid off a porn star to keep quiet about sex while married. Oh, and while trying to become president Instead what do we get? Research found that while the arrangement with Biden/Burisma may have been “awkward” for the Obama administration when dealing with Ukraine, the report provides no evidence that Hunter Biden’s position affected U.S. policy. Talk about “awkward.” We the people paid for a real witch hunt that even the judges in Salem wouldn’t want to prosecute. Instead we get this from the head witch hunter: “In an interview with a Wisconsin radio show on Tuesday night, Johnson said he was “hoping” the results of his taxpayer-funded investigation would cause voters to take a closer look at Biden. “People need to take a look at this report very carefully and understand what the ramifications are for electing Joe Biden as president,” [Sen. Ron] Johnson said. The rampant inability of the GOP to recognize irony is gobsmacking. There is absolutely nothing, in any scenario, on any planet, in any of Joe Biden’s long career, that could begin to reach the corruption openly exhibited by the President you’re trying so desperately to keep. And that you gladly condone. So I’ll end with a daily quote from your guy, while he throws down on yet another woman, a widow, of a ‘loser’ and ‘sucker’ that he apparently just can’t get over... “I hardly know Cindy McCain other than having put her on a Committee at her husband’s request,” the president tweeted Wednesday. “Joe Biden was John McCain’s lapdog. So many BAD decisions on Endless Wars & the V.A., which I brought from a horror show to HIGH APPROVAL. Never a fan of John. Cindy can have Sleepy Joe!”  You might remember John McCain? Wasn’t he your colleague? Maybe you even thought he was a good guy? And what was Cindy McCain’s crime that focused Mr. Trump on her like a laser? She called Joe Biden a decent man. That she is choosing to vote for. A decent man. Do any of you remember what that’s like?

▶ Created on September 23, 2020 by Debbie

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