Resistbot Petition: WOMEN VOTE!

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. And one of the women Mr. Trump has done more for than any other person alive. Ha. It’s always good to start the day with a good laugh. I’m really just writing to commend the GOP on the winning strategy you’ve landed on to win in November. Having Mr. Trump call in randomly to various TV shows and vent in his ever-entertaining stream-of-consciousness blather is a sure-fire winner. (Does he ever have a coherent point to make?) And that he is general venting about some ‘nasty’ ‘mad’ ‘crazy’ ‘angry’ woman is always a plus too. As is his always veiled but oh so obvious racial dog-whistles. Can’t forget those. (Hint: can you say ‘low income housing’, accompanied by a scowl?) But the brilliant icing on the cake is the blatant public dismantling of the USPS on the eve of a pandemic election. And it’s been so easy for him. Y’all are doing a great job of facilitation. Kudos. So please carry on with this sure-fire way to victory. I’m really loving it. It makes me sleep better at night. Lastly, I close with some immortal words from a president that has treated me and mine better than any man ever has...”You gotta treat ‘em like shit.” Sigh. We’re gonna flock to him like bees to honey.

▶ Created on August 15, 2020 by Debbie

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