An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Not much fun planned for this Labor Day. It’s kind of a socialist holiday anyway, what with the glorification of labor unions and The Worker. So I guess not celebrating that utopian ideal in this particular time is no biggie. Instead, we should ask what constitutes a functioning Democracy? Democracy depends on the rule of law. That’s so quaint. Laws are for suckers. The only good law is a broken law. Or a dodged one. Democracy depends on equality before the law. Ha, another good one. Riddle: How many shot-dead-by-police-black-men does it take to get people in the street? Depends on what day it is. Democracy depends on reality-based policy. Another good one. We don’t so much have policy coming from the WH as a black is white and up is down, all is the best ever view of current events. Democracy depends on free and fair suffrage. We all know (ignore?) the many and varied attempts to suppress voting. Purged voter roles. Diminished polling places. Especially the big one being promoted by Mr. Trump, Mr. Barr, and the Russians. Voting by mail is bad bad bad. Democracy depends on the legitimacy of (at least) two political parties. I guess delegitimizing Democrats as socialists and radicals and enemies of the state is helpful to that pillar? Speaking of legitimacy of a political party. Interestingly (and by that I mean of course) the GOP has essentially become the Trump Party, not only in ideology and loyalty but in finances. Trump and the Republican National Committee have spent close to $60 million from campaign contributors on Trump’s legal bills. I guess a political party that exists to serve one man and his legal fees is legitimate? Who wouldn’t want to give money and support to that cause? More Democracy-defying antics. The Trump administration has refused to answer to Democrats in Congress, ignoring subpoenas with the argument that Congress has no power to investigate the executive branch, despite precedent for such oversight going all the way back to George Washington’s administration. Just say no. Such a powerful defense of Democracy. And finally, Democracy depends on the peaceful transition of power. Trump has repeatedly suggested that he will not leave office because the Democrats are going to cheat. Cheat? Hardyharharhar. The man does know how to project. But Americans are coming together from all different political positions to fight this one-man, many enablers, attack on our Democracy. We got through a Civil War. We’ll get through this awful time as well. And it’ll be absolutely no thanks to you and the failed GOP.

▶ Created on September 7, 2020 by Debbie

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