Resistbot Petition: COWARDS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just a short letter of outrage. Reading about the dual retirement of the Vindman brothers. Two shining examples of the American dream embodied. Selfless careers from a family who immigrated here because of our freedoms and promise. To an America of immigrants. And how did it end for the brave move their father made 40 years ago looking for a better life for his family? His sons driven out of the military by our despicable, draft-dodging commander-in-chief. Driven out by a coward for doing the right thing. The thing required by all American when they see wrong being done to our country. The thing required by your own oaths of office. Lt. Colonel Vindman’s faith that doing the right thing in America would be rewarded was not only an illusion, but it ruined his life as he knew it. And where were you and yours? The self-touted party of the military? Where were you indeed. Letting it happen, that’s where you were. Complicit in the destroying of two careers spent in the service of our country. Beyond shameful. I don’t know how you look at yourselves in the mirror. And all this shame on America because of Donald Trump. An awful hill to die on. This is why the GOP is doomed as a party of consequence. You do not walk the walk. You only talk the talk. Cowards.

▶ Created on July 9, 2020 by Debbie

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