Resistbot Petition: RIGHTEOUS RAGE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A beautiful Sunday morning in my small Texas town. But I feel guilty about that because our country is in flames. And I am so far removed from that trauma that all I can do is watch it unfold on TV. And it has been horrific. Not that any of it is surprising. Or unexpected. It is a perfect storm of catastrophes culminating in chaos. I admire all the young people, the melting pot of people, who organized so quickly and took to the streets with their rage and concern. This is how society changes. Yes, there were bad actors. There always are. And that distracts from the righteousness. But the majority are in the streets with legitimate concerns. If I were younger I’d be right there with them. Young people give me hope for our country. The era of the backwards-looking dinosaur is coming to an end. And it can’t come soon enough. “In so many ways, Donald Trump represents the death rattle of an old America, and it’s loud and it’s violent.” Power to the people. We have it. We’re using it. 156 days till November 3.

▶ Created on May 31, 2020 by Debbie

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