Resistbot Petition: RETRIBUTION INDEED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Too much of a good thing is enjoyable for a while, but will eventually get tiresome. (Not that we wouldn’t enjoy some tiresome right about now.) Too much of a bad thing kills the processing centers of the brain and soul. That’s what the deluge of desperation from the WH is doing to we, the people. What to focus on today? It’s a smorgasbord of unappetizing offerings. A 26th woman has come forward accusing our president of sexual assault. Regardless of the twisting and deflecting and disparaging that goes on whenever this happens, women do not do this sort of thing lightly. And certainly not to the most powerful, and least honorable, man on the planet. This takes incredible bravery. Because she knows, from history, how she will be treated. And what do we get from any number of powerful men who could stand up for her? Who could corroborate her story? Crickets. Anytime a woman assumes that a man will do the right thing, when it comes to their own self-preservation, they are consistently proven wrong. Chivalry, regard for the ‘weaker’ sex, concern for ‘suburban housewives,’ all easily touted sentiments until actually called upon to be practiced. But no matter. There’s so much else to choose from what’s another sexual assault or 20? (He’s gonna need his own class-action suit eventually.) Russian propaganda spewing from the bully pulpit. Pandemic information being sidelined, covered up, manipulated. Dangerous election rhetoric from a man desperate to cling to power. So dangerous that even a few from your ranks offer mild criticism of the language, but not the man bludgeoning us with it. Internal deliberations about using rejected military defense weapons on peaceful protestors. Our own DOJ encouraging charges of sedition, treason, retribution against those same American citizens utilizing their First Amendment rights. And covertly offering Julian Assange a pardon if he would divulge the contact for the infamous 2016 email leak to Mr. Trump. Wow. All this and so much more. It seems the GOP strategy is becoming more and more, like the rest of us, just biding your time until November 3, staying out of the line of fire until the American people will do the job you’ve chosen not to do...get rid of an unfit President. But you and your party of unhinged rhetoric and dangerous enabling will not be forgotten. Let the retribution begin.

▶ Created on September 18, 2020 by Debbie

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