Resistbot Petition: PORTLAND IS WRONG

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Growing outrage across the world about the Portland police state. As is usual with the Trump administration, his purported effort to enforce ‘law and order’ has resulted in just the opposite. Government goons are fomenting the violence they were supposedly sent to quell. And trying to identify the agencies and even names of the individuals roaming and kidnapping anyone who looks like they might be having a wrong thought is like the proverbial hot potato. Nobody’s fessing up. But when it’s finally sorted out, which it will be, and names taken, which they will be, one thing is certain. Mr. Trump, who we know is at the root of it all, will plead ignorance, deny responsibility and throw whomever is in reach beneath that ever speeding bus. What is the Republican senate going to do about this subversion of our democracy? About these dictatorial actions against our people? Will you take any responsibility when it all goes awry? It’s just a matter of time before something truly awful happens. By the by, I’ve yet to see any of the supposed anarchy and extreme violence which was used as a excuse to send in the bootjacks. Or does graffiti, firecrackers, and protesting now count as a shoot-to-kill offense? Do you and yours want another Kent State attached to your names in the history books? You’re already going to have plenty of shamefulness attached to you. Do you really want to add the deliberate deaths of American citizens by a Republican administration to the long, long list of dereliction? Oh and where has the GOP mantra of states rights gone to? Hypocrites.

▶ Created on July 18, 2020 by Debbie

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