Resistbot Petition: MR. TRUMP’S AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. More and more these days words fail me. I think because there’s no longer much point to continue kicking a dead horse. It’s not going to magically recover. And it’s certainly not going to get any deader. Mr. Trump’s America is that dead horse. But the rest of America? The rest of America is resilient, eyes-wide-open, and most definitely motivated. Mad as hell. And not going to take this anymore. This is Mr. Trump’s America. A concerted, planned, but thankfully foiled plot to kidnap a Governor. By right-wing extremists. Should a president condemn such? Of course they should. But instead our President attacks the victim. Complaining how she’s destroyed her state by attempting to keep her citizens safe. While he sits quarantined, sick, and ranting in the WH. This is Mr. Trump’s America. He has recently wondered aloud why his foes --namely Hillary Clinton, Biden and former President Barack Obama -- are not in jail. He raised the possibility that the relatives of fallen US service members infected him at the White House, absolving his team of responsibility for their negligent measures to keep staff and visitors safe from the virus. Even as he benefited from 24-hour care from top military doctors and experimental treatments not available to other Americans, he said on Fox Business, "What happens is, you get better ... you know, you don't really need drugs." He won’t debate. He won’t negotiate a plan to help the American people who are slowly sliding into despair, bankruptcy, and potential homelessness because of his failed leadership during a pandemic. He won’t be honest with the state of his health. He won’t be honest. And there’s the problem. He won’t be honest. He won’t do the job. He can’t do the job. In a few short weeks it will no longer be Mr. Trump’s America. Where do you see yourselves then?

▶ Created on October 9, 2020 by Debbie

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