Resistbot Petition: GOP 2020 PLATFORM

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I can’t help but be baffled why the GOP would choose to keep the following from 2016 ( bad, bad Obama) in your 2020 party platform. “The huge increase in the national debt demanded by and incurred during the current Administration has placed a significant burden on future generations.” “The current Administration has exceeded its constitutional authority, brazenly and flagrantly violated the separation of powers, sought to divide America into groups and turn citizen against citizen.” “The current Administration has abandoned America’s friends and rewarded its enemies.” “The President has refused to defend or enforce laws he does not like, used executive orders to enact national policies in areas constitutionally reserved solely to Congress, made unconstitutional ‘recess’ appointments to Senate-confirmed positions, directed regulatory agencies to overstep their statutory authority, and failed to consult Congress regarding military action overseas.” Unless you felt like maybe it didn’t need changing and was pretty spot on? It’s like it was tailor-written for your current candidate. So, good job with the not-so-subliminal messaging. I for one am laughing my be-hind off. I hope it gets read out loud tonight.

▶ Created on August 24, 2020 by Debbie

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