Resistbot Petition: BRAVERY VS BS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. And one of a vast body of disgusted and fed-up females. If you wanted a succinct, no frills, easy to understand, and spot-on example of why your party is going down down down I would point you to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s masterful rebuttal of Rep. Ted Yoho’s recent despicable words and actions on the steps of Congress. This is an example of old, outdated, offensive male entitlement versus young, progressive, and oh so smart. And articulate. All without resorting to name-calling or bullying or insulting profanity. She was brilliant. He was self-serving and wrongly righteous in his non-apology. And he lied. And the Texas Rep. with him was disingenuous in his covering for Mr. Yoho. So much for the concept of the Texas gentleman. We woman applaud AOC. She is fearless. Mr. Yoho’s particular example of your dinosaur party? Not so much. You might want to get out of your bubble and explore the majority of America that is not your own. We’re winning the hearts and minds. Not with fear. Not with bullying. We’re winning with courage, kindness, and regard for others. ALL others.

▶ Created on July 24, 2020 by Debbie

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