Resistbot Petition: RNC VS REALITY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Do you ever have moments when your mind just shuts down and can’t come up with the right words to describe an event? That’s where I am this a.m. and I expect you might deduce I’m talking about what was presented to the nation last night at the RNC in the guise of optimism, hope, and unity. Wow. I think someone really needs a dictionary. I wonder who thought that delivering such a manic, dystopian, fantastical vision to a nation in the throes of so much uncertainty and trauma was a good idea? Did anyone manage to feel uplifted by anything presented last night? Was there any plan for,the country going forward? Other than re-election? But maybe the omission of any mention of the pandemic, massive unemployment, social unrest, and disruption of our daily lives counts as exhibiting hope and optimism. In any case, I felt way more queasy than comforted. All that was shouted at us, endlessly, was ‘they they they’ are going to take away everything you hold dear. (Just randomly pick anything at all, and you can bet ‘they’ are coming for it.) Oh, that and DJT is the bomb. The man has done more for you than your own mother and he awaits your gratitude. All of this screamed at maximum volume, because the louder you are, the truer it is. All of this layered with lies, distortions, misinformation, all the usual lineup of nonsense designed to scare you into fealty. “Who are these people, you might ask, and why are they yelling at me?” Best line yet. Anyway, I think I have seen enough. In the immortal words of the man at the helm. “Every day it’s something else. Who cares?” 70 endless days till November 3.

▶ Created on August 25, 2020 by Debbie

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