Resistbot Petition: TRUMP HEARTS PUTIN

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A few days ago when the bombshell revelation that Russia had put a bounty on our American military in Afghanistan, I, and I expect many other concerned citizens, wrote you a letter, called, tweeted, a snowstorm of outrage. Now it looks like Congress has been jolted alive. Caught in the headlights. Blindsided. Demanding answers. Do you feel a tiny bit irrelevant and out-of-the-loop? And all it took was for our president to once again be shown to be a Russian booster, above all else. The one constant, the one coherent, absolutely steady action he is able to manage is to protect, defend, and encourage Mr. Putin’s bad behavior. But this time he’s doing it on the backs of the people who keep us safe in the world. So now Congress is leaping into action. Finally. We’ll see where it goes. The administration is pleading the usual ignorance of the matter. Fake news. Nothing to see here. We, and you, will probably get pulled into the maelstrom that is the Trump administration and will have moved on to another outrage in a few days. But you know who won’t? Our citizens in uniform. How do you think they and their families feel about their commander-in-chief having such information for months and sitting on it? And when presented with evidence that he no doubt did have such info, regardless of his denial, dissembles in his usual cowardly fashion. He does not value them. He does not value this country. But he sure does value his bromance with Mr. Putin. And he actually accused Mr. Obama of treason. Talk about classic projection. What are y’all going to do about this most major of messes? This is indefensible even for you guys. I can’t believe this is our country.

▶ Created on June 29, 2020 by Debbie

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