Resistbot Petition: PANDEMIC POLITICS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just a quick, I hope, note. Reading the latest smoke and mirrors play from the Trump administration. This may work with his acolytes, but it is completely transparent to the rest of us. By signing executives orders with little or no teeth, or just outright not legal, Mr. Trump can certainly pretend he cares and the Democrats just don’t. But we all know, except the deluded base, that the Dems have had a pandemic assistance bill passed for three months, awaiting action by the Senate. The Senate waits until the last minute to try to throw something together, in the cynical expectation that they wouldn’t be able to come to an agreement. Helping the masses is not your forte. Then because you could not get your people on the same page, Mr. Not-My-Job McConnell walks away, throwing it to the Dems and the WH to work out the dets. When that naturally fails, in comes Mr. Trump with his black Sharpie to save the country from Democratic malfeasance. Ha. That’s a good one. Do you really think the American people for one minute believe that Mr. Trump is the white knight we’ve been waiting for? Or that the GOP has suddenly become the party of the people? This is cynical politics at its worst. We have a president who has washed his hands of the county and its people during a pandemic that is decimating us at every turn. Under his watch. With his active assistance by misinformation and destructive meddling. How can he think he’s going to save us when he is the primary reason we’re in this situation in the first place? His lack of leadership and incompetence and outright dereliction can not be erased with a couple of pieces of paper. He is not, you are not, and never will be, the good guys.

▶ Created on August 9, 2020 by Debbie

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