This week United Methodists liked me participated in a virtual film screening of “The Unafraid” documentary and a discussion on DACA.
As one of your constituents, I am concerned about the future for DACA recipients and their families. After this week’s news of the Trump Administration blocking the issuance of green cards for at least 60 days and excluding DACA recipients from COVID-19 education grants, I urge you to invest in permanent and healing solutions for DACA recipients and their families by passing a clean Dream Act in the Senate.
Any proposal must support permanent relief for Dreamers without compromising the safety and livelihood of their families, pitting immigrant communities against each other, or pairing immigration relief for some populations with enforcement policies that endanger others. Therefore, I urge Congress to uphold these values by passing a clean Dream Act in the Senate to give DACA recipients and eligible undocumented youth a pathway to citizenship.