An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’ve decided my new pasttime until November 3 will be to harangue my elected officials every chance I get. And because I am retired and a prisoner of Covid confinement I have lots of time to try and make you all as crazy as I’m becoming. For example, I wish someone could explain to me how a president, elected to work for the people, elected to safeguard our country, whom we need to trust in times of crisis, is instead allowed to use his office to spread falsehoods about the pandemic? To spread falsehoods that help spread the contagion? To encourage behavior that contradicts safety, and spreads the virus? To not protect the country, but rather to make it more dangerous, less safe? To behave the exact opposite of what is needed? How is this allowed? With no pushback from the supposed checks and balances endowed by our founders? That means you. Instead, we lead the world in our failure to address the Covid pandemic. Is that what is meant by Keep America Great? Every other distraction among the many we have today, pales in comparison to this monumental failure by Mr. Trump. And all those around him that allowed us to get to this wretched place. He knew about dangers of Covid. He lied about them. To our faces. What President does that? And why is your party okay with that? "Two hundred thousand Americans dying. I think in covering nine presidents, I've never seen anything like it," [Bob] Woodward told Jeff Zucker, the chairman of WarnerMedia News and Sports, at the Citizen by CNN 2020 conference. "The visitation of the medical nightmare on the American population is staggering, stunning. It's on his head, and he did not do enough. He just didn't," Woodward said. "Nixon was a criminal president, and he was driven out of office by the Republican Party. His people used to say no one died at Watergate, and there's a certain truth to that. Two hundred thousand people have died at this, and Trump, by taking remedial action by being honest with the American people, which I — he just didn't understand, does not understand the people he leads," Woodward said. 200,000 American dead. Why are you okay with this? Because your continued support, and accompanying silence, says you are absolutely okay with it.

▶ Created on September 22, 2020 by Debbie

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