Resistbot Petition: SILENCE = COMPLICITY = CHAOS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So our president, after lying to the American people for his entire tenure, finally decides to sit down and talk truth, on the record, with tapes, for 18 interviews with a paragon of investigative reporting, Bob Woodward. I’m sure there’s some deep political strategy involved with him spilling his guts on the record, but Not that we didn’t already know most of what I’ve read as excerpts. Except the biggie, and we knew that too. The biggie being that our President, guardian of the nation, leader of the free world, knew exactly how deadly Covid-19 is/was and still chose the path of downplaying, dis-information, and flat out lying as a plan to guide the country through a pandemic. Lying to us. Playing politics with our country. Swindling us as we got sick and died. Undercut his own administration guidelines. Undercut his own experts. Cast doubt. Cast aspirations. Cast ridicule. Created one diversion and roadblock after another to a successful strategy. He is an abomination as a human being. He is beyond a disaster for our country. Instead of fighting the pandemic that keeps us from getting back to our normal, productive, fear-free lives, what do we get instead? Legal disputes over sexual assault by our president. Race baiting from our president. Hate filled rants against a woman of color running for VP. A thing of merit, that he drags into his gutter. Encouraging armed insurrection among his supporters. A president who calls his military leaders ‘pussies’. Military members ‘suckers’, ‘losers.’ Destroying needed systems, agreements, global relationships, but offering no coherent replacements for any of it. Chaos and whim as governance. Oh and Russia Russia Russia. All while he sits on the sidelines going ‘Who? Me? I’m not responsible for any of it.’ Mr. Trump has not, will not, can not, make America great again. America WAS great before we got him. Now America is broken, neglected, used, abused, and diminished. Not by the world as he claims. By him, our American President. And who has aided and abetted all of his actions that got us to this point? You and yours. Silence is the worst complicity. Silence kills democracy. It is the coward’s way.

▶ Created on September 9, 2020 by Debbie

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