It’s basic math. If your constituents are dead, they can’t vote for you. If your rich constituents employees and customers are dead, they can’t buy things.
We do not need to wait for the President to take action. If you’re still afraid of him you could meet or call local officials in secret and have them implement Shelter In Place. We also need relief for tenants, homeowners and landlords - a rent and mortgage freeze until Shelter In Place is lifted is the most practical solution. It’s either that or supplementing the federal stimulus with a state stimulus that goes directly to rent and mortgage payments.
Otherwise we risk more homelessness and faster spread of the disease.
The elderly and the disabled are not the only ones who have to worry about this disease. COVID19 has proven that no one is safe.
If we overwhelm the system and healthy people with otherwise minor problems can’t be served, people will start to die from infection, injuries and normally non-critical conditions that become dangerous when left untreated.
Act now.