Resistbot Petition: CONTINUED FAILURES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent In rural west Texas. The longest day(s). Trying to survive an administration whose charm has long since worn off. Who demonstrates every day how out-of-touch they have always been. But now, in these days of crisis, that glaring reality is not only apparent, but dangerously so. Trying to make us all afraid of the ‘other’, when we have so much in reality to be afraid of is dereliction. To try and strike fear in ‘the suburban housewives of America’ is laughable. To try and foster fear against Americans exercising their right to protest framed against armed anonymous paramilitary troops is head-snapping. I know which one I fear most. The old fear game is ludicrous. It would have been nice to have leaders who would address the real fears we have instead of trying to distract us with fantasy fear designed to divide us as Americans. “Washington in 2020 often beggars belief: an American President answering a deadly pandemic with ignorance, inflaming racial unrest with racism, stoking violent confrontations while his fearful party stands mute.” This is Trump’s America. How do you like it? "Today the intellectual leaders of the Republican Party are the paranoids, kooks, know-nothings and bigots who once could be heard only on late-night talk shows," [Stuart] Stevens writes. When your own party heavy-hitters are screaming timeout you might want to listen. I’m just so very curious what the endgame is. The whack-a-mole confrontations sprouting in American cities, intentionally, deliberately, politically exacerbated by the injection of military do you see that ending? Letting the pandemic continue to rage across the country until all systems are overwhelmed and we’re at each other’s throats just trying to that the GOP vision for America? Your toolbox is obsolete. Anachronistic. Unsuited for today’s America. And must go. Tick tock. 100 days.

▶ Created on July 26, 2020 by Debbie

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